Despite repeated initiatives over the past decade, migraine remains under-recognised, under-diagnosed and under-treated in everyday clinical practice. The Migraine in Primary Care Advisors (MIPCA) group has produced new guidelines for migraine management to attempt to rectify this situation. MIPCA is a group of physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the improvement of headache management in primary care, who have also worked closely with the Migraine Action Association (the UK patients' group) in the development of these guidelines. The principles of the new MIPCA guidelines are: To arrange specific consultations for headache. To institute a system of detailed history taking, patient education and buy-in at the outset of the consultation. To utilise a new screening algorithm for the differential diagnosis of headache, which can be confirmed by further questioning, if necessary. To institute a process of management that is individualised for each patient, using a new algorithm. Assessing the impact on the patient's daily life is a key aspect of diagnosis and management. To prescribe only treatments that have objective evidence of favourable efficacy and tolerability. To utilise prospective follow-up procedures to monitor the success of treatment. To organise a team approach to headache management in primary care.