PGD for HLA typing is a procedure that can be performed when an affected child
requires a transplant to treat a non-hereditary disorder related to the
hematopoietic and/or immune system. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from
an HLA-identical donor provides the best treatment option. Three conventional
ovarian stimulation procedures for IVF were performed in a couple with a
10-year-old child diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia of high
risk. Trophectoderm biopsy and aCGH examination were performed on 15
blastocysts, three on the first IVF procedure, four on the second cycle, and
eight on the third. Three euploid blastocysts HLA-compatible with the genome of
the affected child were identified. One euploid blastocyst HLA-compatible with
the affected child was warmed and transferred, resulting in an HLA-matched live
birth. In conclusion, combined aCGH for aneuploidy screening and Karyomapping
may be performed in a single biopsy procedure.