This study aimed to increase knowledge about the structure and health assessment for evaluating histopathology as a biomarker of marine invertebrates, which must have high-quality histologic slides. Unfortunately, the accuracy of this method has been specifically modified for the marine invertebrates in Thailand; we demonstrated a modified method for permanent histological slides, including Xestospongia sp., Halobates hayanus, Amphibalanus amphitrite, and Alpheus sp. (n = 30) individual specimens for each species) from Libong island, Thailand, which was compared to the standard method. Optimization of tissue adapts and troubleshoots typical histological procedures, including sample collection, fixation with 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin at 2-4 °C for 24 hrs., decalcification, dehydration, clearing, embedding sectioning, and examining after staining under the modified procedures each time, which can be accomplished easily in six days. Compared to the standard method, this modified protocol showed the first report. It warranted high-quality slide scans, which are particularly ideal for the tissue, cell, and nuclei-specific features of marine invertebrates.