A cute heart failure is a physiologic state in which the circulation is unable to meet the needs of the body tissues because of a decompensation in the complex interactions between the heart and the peripheral vasculature. Adequate assessment of the central circulation in acute decompensated heart failure requires knowledge of the hemodynamics beyond that offered by the traditional vital signs. In fact, an accurate and complete analysis of circulatory function often cannot be made based upon the vital signs of blood pressure and heart rate alone. 1 Although systemic pressures and rates of cardiac contraction are indicators of cardiovascular integrity, what we really want to know is blood flow. It is this flow (in the form of cardiac output) that is the measure of how well the circulation is delivering oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs and that is the focus of all resuscitation efforts.In the past, the determination of cardiac output required the insertion of a catheter directly into the heart. As it becomes increasingly evident that these conventional invasive cardiac output monitoring methods may result in a greater patient morbidity and mortality, noninvasive techniques are commonly being considered as an acceptable alternative. 2 Perhaps the most intriguing of the new noninvasive technologies is based on information generated as measured waveforms from the thoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB). The study of the waveforms derived from TEB is collectively known as the field of impedance cardiography (ICG). 3,4 The method is based on the idea that the human thorax is electrically a nonhomogeneous, bulk conductor. 5,6 A high-frequency measurement current injected across the thorax produces a waveform signature of voltage changes produced by varying resistances sensed by 2 pairs of electrodes placed at the edges of the chest (Fig. 1). The changes (⌬Z) are produced by fluid shifts within the thorax consisting of baseline changes of fluid levels in the intra-alveolar and interstitial thoracic compartments (a result of edema) and volumetric (cardiac output) and velocity (contractility) changes of aortic blood produced by the heart's pumping.Although the ECG depicts the electrical events of the heart, the TEB waveform (Fig. 2) is a depiction of the mechanical events of cardiac contraction. When used in conjunction with the timing landmarks on the ECG, the dZ/dt signals afford measurement of the systolic time intervals. These include the ventricular ejection time (VET) and the pre-ejection period (PEP) and can provide an analysis of other electromechanical activities. This constellation of measurement functions in combination with the technical aspects of ease of use and continuous monitoring capabilities suggests that ICG could potentially be a valuable tool for the emerging evaluation and management of patients with suspected or confirmed acute decompensated heart failure.In the past there have been some questions about the accuracy of the cardiac output measurements obtained from ICG when compared with the "g...