Inductively coupled H 2 -Ar plasmas are characterized by an energy-dispersive mass spectrometer (plasma monitor), a retarding field analyzer, optical emission spectroscopy and a Langmuir probe. A procedure is presented that allows determining quantitatively the absolute ion densities of Ar + , H + , H + 2 , H + 3 and ArH + from the plasma monitor raw signals. The calibration procedure considers the energy and mass-dependent transmission of the plasma monitor. It is shown that an additional diagnostic like a Langmuir probe or a retarding field analyzer is necessary to derive absolute fluxes with the plasma monitor. The conversion from fluxes into densities is based on a sheath and density profile model.Measurements were conducted for a total gas pressure of 1.0 Pa. For pure H 2 plasmas the dominant ion is H + 3 . For mixed H 2 -Ar plasmas the ArH + molecular ion is the most dominant ion species in a wide parameter range. The electron density n e is around 3 × 10 16 m −3 and the electron temperature T e decreases from 5 to 3 eV with increasing Ar content. The dissociation degree was measured by actinometry. It is around 1.7 % nearly independent on Ar content. The gas temperature, estimated by the rotational distribution of the Q-branch lines of the H 2 Fulcher-α diagonal band (v' = v" = 2) is estimated to (540±50) K.