The growth of traction current leads to losses of electrical energy in the traction rail network, which entails losses for railway companies, including the Russian Railways holding. Additional losses arise due to the deterioration of the resistance of the elements, which occurs in a shorter time in terms of sections on which the movement of trains of increased mass and length is not carried out. Equations for estimation of the power and electrical energy losses in the DC traction rail network have been obtained. These equations are applicable both for the calculation at the sections of the circulation of freight trains, the mass of which does not exceed the weight norm established by the schedule on the route of this train, and taking into account the correction for the passage of long and heavy trains. A simulation model that makes it possible to assess the power losses in a section of a traction rail network depending on changes in the resistance of both individual elements and entire groups that make up the traction rail network, as well as to analyze the effect of the transition resistance rail-ground on the magnitude of leakage currents has been prepared. The need to constantly maintain the elements of the traction rail network in a working condition is determined. It is explained by a significant increase in losses in electrical energy when passing trains of increased weight and length, even with minor deviations of the resistance values from those established by the regulatory documentation. To maintain an operable state and reduce the likelihood of the appearance of faulty elements of the traction rail network, entailing the loss of electrical energy, it is proposed to develop automated monitoring systems for the traction rail network, which ensure the adoption of decisions on the need for maintenance or repair of an element of the traction rail network and transmit information about this repair personnel on duty.