Laser Thomson Scattering (LTS) measurements of Electron Ion Recombining (EIR) Helium plasma were performed in the divertor/edge simulator MAP-II. Upgrades of our LTS system, in the stray-light level and in the notch filter, allowed the measurement of electron temperatures as low as 0.1 eV and further investigation of EIR processes. Electron temperature and electron density profiles of EIR He recombining plasmas with different background neutral pressures have been measured. The volumetric recombination process is regarded as important in achieving divertor detachment, which can reduce the heat flux onto the divertor plate [1]. MAR (Molecular Activated Recombination) processes (2-3 eV), induced by H 2 puffing, as well as conventional EIR (Electron Ion Recombination) processes (< 1 eV) can contribute to volumetric recombination, but their reaction rates strongly depend on the electron temperature.It has been pointed out in several devices, both in tokamak divertors and in divertor simulators, that in recombining plasmas the electric probe characteristic exhibits an anomaly which disturbs the measurements [2]. On the other hand, spectroscopy for the Rydberg series in a partially local thermal equilibrium condition, such as EIR plasmas, always reflects the brightest point.From this point of view, Laser Thomson Scattering (LTS) can be a solution, offering reliable and spatially resolved electron temperature and density measurements [3].We have developed an LTS system and applied it to the H 2 -MAR plasmas of a few eV, as reported in [4]. The laser source is a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG Laser (7 ns, 532 nm, 10 Hz, 500 mJ). The light is collected at 90 • with respect to the laser path by means of a lens (150 mm in focal length and 100 mm in diameter). The optical fibers, 0.2 in the N/A and 0.1/0.125 mm in the core/clad diameter, are assembled in a 64-channel array. In the present experiment, the central 24 channels, corresponding to 4.5 mm in the radial scattering length, were used to obtain electron temperature and density. On the other hand, the spatial resolution along the magnetic field is 0.13 mm (single fiber With the aim of applying it to low temperature plasmas, a double monochromator system (composed of camera lenses, holographic gratings, Rayleigh block, and an ICCD camera) is used to measure narrow Doppler broadening and to suppress stray light of the laser wavelength. It has to be noted that the use of filter spectroscopy in this temperature regime requires the assumption of the Boltzmann distribution and careful sensitivity calibration [5]. The Rayleigh block is a carbon rod 0.35 mm in diameter, located at the laser wavelength position in the image plane of the first monochromator. Reciprocal linear dispersion of the monochromator was determined to be 0.02 nm per pixel of the ICCD. Wavelength resolution, evaluated in FWHM, was 0.15 nm for a slit width of 0.11 mm.In order to measure EIR plasmas, however, further upgrades were required. Specifically, we reduced the dimensions of the physical block by replacing...