“…Concerning an association between neurocognitive function and S100B, the results have proven inconsistent. Some studies show correlations with cognitive deficits (Basile et al, 2001;Kilminster et al, 1999) while others have not been able to reproduce those findings (Linstedt et al, 2000;Rasmussen et al, 1999Rasmussen et al, , 2000. However, the instruments employed to evaluate Cerebro-vascular disorder S100 increased (Ͼ300 ng/L) in 43 out of 48 patients Kim et al, (1996) N ϭ 29 IRMA Sangtec Acute stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic) S100B was increased in 11 out of 29 patients; peak in ischemic stroke after 3 days, in hemorrhagic stroke after 1 day Abraha et al, (1997) N ϭ 81 IRMA Sangtec Acute stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic) S100B increased, correlation with infarct volume and outcome, hemorrhagic strokes with slightly higher S100B levels Bü ttner et al, (1997) N ϭ 26 IRMA Sangtec Acute stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory S100B was increased in 21 out of 26 patients, peak after 2-3 days, correlation with neurological deficit on admission and with infarct volume, but not with functional prognosis Fassbender et al, (1997) N ϭ 24 IRMA Sangtec Ischemic stroke S100B correlated with infarct volume and neurological outcome Missler et al, (1997a) N ϭ 44 Immunofluorometric assay (Missler) Acute ischemic stroke S100B increased with a maximum after 2.5 days; correlation with infarct volume and outcome Martens et al, (1998) N ϭ 64 IRMA Sangtec Acute global cerebral ischemia (cardiac arrest) S100B Ͼ 700 ng/L predicted a negative outcome (not regaining consciousness) with high positive predictive value (95%) and high specificity (96%) Rosen et al, (1998) N ϭ 41 IRMA Sangtec Hypoxic brain damage after cardiac arrest S100B increased, peak on day 1; correlation with anoxia time and degree of coma Wunderlich et al, (1999) N ϭ 58 LIA Sangtec Acute ischemic stroke S100B increased, maximum after 2-3 days; correlation with infarct volume and outcome, non-significant association with neuropsychological impairment 3-7 days after stroke Elting et al, (2000) N ϭ 39 LIA Sangtec Ischemic stroke S100B after stroke (range 80-6730 ng/L) higher than after TIA (range 10-730 ng/ L), peak after 3 days; correlation with neurological outcome in stroke patients Herrmann et al, (2000) N ϭ 32 LIA Sangtec Ischemic stroke in anterior circulation system S100B correlated with infarct volume and neurological outcome Bertsch et al, (2001) N ϭ 24 IRMA Sangtec Ischemic stroke S100B correlated with infarct volume and neurological outcome Böttiger et al, (2001) N ϭ 66 IRMA Sangtec Hypoxic brain damage after cardiac arrest S100B higher in patients with brain damage, peak after 2 hours; predictive value for fatal outcome Godet et al,...…”