“…Alghazo, Salem and Alrashdan, 2021;Dontcheva-Navratilova, 2021;Lafuente-Millán, 2014;McGrath and Kuteeva, 2012;Xu and Nesi, 2019), although other genres, both oral and written or digital have also attracted researchers' attention (e.g. Carrió-Pastor and Muñiz Calderón, 2015;Jiang and Ma, 2018;Kramar, 2019;Orpin, 2019;Pascual and Mur-Dueñas, 2022;Qiu and Jiang, 2021;Sancho Guinda, 2012;Xia and Hafner, 2021;Zou and Hyland, 2020). In professional discourses, engagement has been approached differently depending on the genres characterised by particular disciplines.…”