DOI: 10.5209/clac.81307
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Dialogic interaction with diversified audiences in Twitter for Research Dissemination Purposes

Abstract: International research groups are expected to ensure global dissemination and visibility of their knowledge production, for which Twitter is effectively employed to reach diversified audiences. This paper analyses the dialogic dimension of tweets published in accounts of Horizon2020 research projects, where group’s productivity and work are promoted, and multiple readers addressed. Our study focuses on the use, in these Twitter accounts, of interactional pragmatic strategies, their verbal realisation through e… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 35 publications
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“…As happens with other discoursal features, very few studies have specifically focused on the use of engagement markers in digital genres. Among these few, the studies carried out in research group websites (Mur-Dueñas 2021) and Twitter for research dissemination purposes (Pascual and Mur-Dueñas 2022) yield similar results to the present one in terms of the saliency of the use of engagement features in science recontextualization purposes. Engagement devices in general are shown to be much more frequent in these websites than in RAs, attending to the results gathered in previous studies on scientific written production (Hyland 2001).…”
Section: Example 12supporting
confidence: 81%
“…As happens with other discoursal features, very few studies have specifically focused on the use of engagement markers in digital genres. Among these few, the studies carried out in research group websites (Mur-Dueñas 2021) and Twitter for research dissemination purposes (Pascual and Mur-Dueñas 2022) yield similar results to the present one in terms of the saliency of the use of engagement features in science recontextualization purposes. Engagement devices in general are shown to be much more frequent in these websites than in RAs, attending to the results gathered in previous studies on scientific written production (Hyland 2001).…”
Section: Example 12supporting
confidence: 81%
“…As is also the case in academic writing, questions in predatory emails are mostly rhetorical (Hyland, 2002b). However, unlike other texts in which questions aim at creating involvement and bringing readers into the discussion as participants (Kramar, 2019;Xia and Hafner, 2021), recruiting them into a debate (Zou and Hyland, 2020), or hooking the audience (Pascual and Mur-Dueñas, 2022), in predatory emails their main goal is to surprise the reader and generate interest. As is the case of non-conducive or non-assertive questions in other contexts (e.g.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition to those appeals to shared knowledge in examples 22-25, exclamation marks emphasise an action and, as is the case in other contexts (e.g. Pascual and Mur-Dueñas, 2022), are used as dialogic markers to attract readers ' attention (examples 22 and 23). as noted by Orpin (2019), comparison and intensification through the use of quantification (see "more than 50 times" in example 23) may function as boosters to reinforce the proposition.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Dentro del ecosistema digital, las redes sociales están siendo utilizadas como espacios para potenciar el aprendizaje (González-Sanmamed et al, 2018). Twitter (Pascual & Dueñas, 2022), Instagram (Richter et al, 2022;Ye et al, 2020), TikTok (Acevedo Borrega et al, 2022;García-Marín & Salvat-Martinrey, 2022), son algunos ejemplos de cómo estos entornos digitales pueden apoyar de manera directa la labor pedagógica del maestro y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes.…”
Section: Introductionunclassified