Computational Linguistics has a long history, dating back to the Fifties, during which it developed a whole set of computational models and implementations, theories, methodologies and applications. It is difficult to give a sensible account of its present state without going back a little to the main steps through which this discipline evolved towards its present state. Since its origins, Computational Linguistics has been in an intermediate position between Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Cognitive Science, and Engineering. Computer Science itself shares its roots with Computational Linguistics; parsing, which is central for the design of compilers for programming languages (Aho and Ullmann 1977: 6), is also the building block of any natural language processing engine, and both are the realizations of the chomskian theory of formal languages (Chomsky 1957). The same theory, together with the corresponding computational model, has given a contribution to the general hypothesis of Artificial Intelligence, that human behaviours usually judged intelligent could be simulated in a computer in a principled way. Oversimplifying, Artificial Intelligence aims at modelling a number of behaviours through three very general paradigms, theorem proving, problem solving and planning, and language understanding and production. The history of both disciplines is rich in intersections, especially between language processing and planning, as in SHRDLU (Winograd 1971) or, more recently, in ARGOT (Allen et al. 1982, Allen 1983), with all its practical and theoretical follow-ups; modern dialogue systems in all their forms and applications are derived from the dialogue model J.Allen designed for ARGOT. The commitment to "simulation of behaviour", shared by Artificial Intelligence and and a relevant part of Computational Linguistics, makes them also share the effort for "cognitive modelling" of different human behaviours, including the use of language. This is probably one of the reasons why Linguistics appears in the set of sciences originally interested in the arising of the new discipline called Cognitive Science ( Since the Seventies, when language technology reached a state of maturity such as to allow the realization of some applications, Engineering has been interested in some of the language processing techniques, and it appeared soon that the approach introduced by engineers was certainly less theoretically and cognitively interesting, but more effective in many ways. By now, we can say that while Computational Linguists were, and are, more interested in the correctness and plausibility of their models, Engineers were, and are, more interested in the usability of tools and techniques, even