“…Indeed, during the Italian five-year university program for prospective kindergarten and K-5 teachers, a set of courses is traditionally offered that includes, on the one hand, a solid preparation in pedagogy, linguistics, and psychology, and, on the other hand, contents and methods of subject education in various disciplines, with the integration of a number of hours dedicated to laboratories and internships [2]. Student teachers, however, need to acquire transversal skills, in particular, to integrate into a single cultural framework, tools and methods typical of the sciences with those of the humanities and to transform into competences [3][4][5] the educational contributions from the pedagogical area with those of the disciplinary spectrum in order to achieve Pedagogical Content Knowledge [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Nevertheless, no matter how thoroughly student teachers could be prepared within the individual areas of training and disciplinary subjects, this important integration, capable of producing authentic expertise, as well as the acquisition of soft skills and transversal competences, is mostly left to the initiative and innate talent of the individual student teacher [14].…”