ditions are unfavourable (Bedford, 1978). In fact, some spend over a year as eggs (Bedford, 1978). For example, in Didymuria violescens, an Australian stick insect, eggs overwinter twice with a fi rst and second diapause, which are terminated, respectively, in the fi rst and second spring (Bedford, 1970; Readshaw & Bedford, 1971). In Extatosoma tiaratum, another Australian stick insect, diapause has been shown to be induced both during early embryonic development and again in the pharate fi rst-instar nymph (Yoder & Denlinger, 1992).In R. mikado, Yamaguchi & Nakamura (2015) suggest it is possible that there are two periods of diapause during embryonic development. However, the fi rst diapause, which is predicted to occur in early embryonic development, has not been demonstrated experimentally in this species. In addition, the seasonal regulation of the univoltine life cycle in R. mikado differs from that in the tropical species described above, which overwinter twice within eggs. Consequently, the ecological signifi cance of the fi rst diapause in R. mikado is unclear, even if it exists. For this study, we assume that the fi rst diapause is induced at an