A key comparison has been made between the air-kerma standards of the MKEH, Hungary and the BIPM in the mediumenergy x-ray range. The results show the standards to be in agreement within the standard uncertainty for the comparison of 3.4 parts in 10 3 . No significant trend is observed in the results for the different radiation qualities. The results are analysed and presented in terms of degrees of equivalence, suitable for entry in the BIPM key comparison database.difference between the density of the air of the measuring volume at the time of measurement and the value given in the table 1 .
Details of the standardsBoth free-air chamber standards are of the conventional parallel-plate design. The measuring volume V is defined by the diameter of the chamber aperture and the length of the collecting region. The BIPM air-kerma standard is described in [2] and the changes made to certain 1 At the BIPM, for an air temperature T ~ 293 K, pressure P and relative humidity ~50 % in the measuring volume, the correction for air density involves a temperature correction T / T 0 , a pressure correction P 0 / P, a humidity correction k h = 0.9980, and the factor 1.0002 to account for the compressibility of dry air between T ~ 293 K and T 0 = 273.15 K.