Respiratory therapist(RT)internet-supervised At-Home Telespirometry(AHT)was validated in pilot 22/95=23% ALS Clinic population. Erect, supine Vital Capacity(eFVC, sFVC)were measured longitudinally using ZephyRx smartphone interface and database recording in-clinic-conventional(Viaire-Vyasis-)and at-home-portable(MIR-Spirobank-Smart-)spirometers. Bland-Altman(BA)analysis supported content validity-precision and 7-day-test-re-test-validity [mean difference=0.15L(conventional–portable;95%CI -0.40L, 0.70L); = 2.7% predicted (conventional-portable;95%CI -12.1%, 17.5%) ]meeting ATS-ERS performance standards. RT Internet-supervised AHT measured sFVC was more frequently obtained[35/52=67.3 %]in-home-vs-in-clinic sFVC[9/21=42.9 %](Chi-Square;P=0.0533). Monthly mean eFVC slope decline for the eFVC > 60 % predicted baseline cohort was – 1.24% predicted per month[95% CI -2.15 ,-0.33% predicted]statistically significantly(P=0.015)less compared with the – 5.86% predicted per month[95% CI -9.44, -2.29 % predicted]decline for the eFVC < 60 % predicted baseline cohort and in this cohort was associated with statistically significant decreased survival(P=0.0219). RT Internet-supervised AHT facilitated initiation of non-invasive ventilation(NIV)in 5/22[23%]patients including 3/4[75%] homebound subjects. RT Internet-supervised AHT can be deployed for ALS patients stratified according to baseline eFVC for earlier detection of eFVC and sFVC decreases between clinic visits. A prospective research study[NCT05106569]is ongoing to further define the capability of online deployment of Respiratory therapist(RT)internet-supervised AHT in the timely initiation of NIV use to improve ALS respiratory care in larger numbers of ALS subjects.