“…Although mitochondria of cancer cells were elucidated as 810 the site of action(McLachlan et al, 2005), the operable active tar-811 get for these compounds still remains elusive. Nonetheless, struc-812 tural details of the apoptosis-initiating pharmacophore have been 813 revealed through several structure-activity relationship (SAR) 814 refinement studies(McNulty and Mo, 1998;McNulty et al, 2001 McNulty et al, , 815 2005 Hudlicky et al, 2002; Ingrassia et al, 2009; Pettit et al, 816 2001 Pettit et al, 816 , 2006Rinner et al, 2004aRinner et al, , 2004b. These may be summa-817 rized as follows: (i) an intact phenanthridone nucleus is essential 818 as truncated analogues were significantly less active(Hudlicky 819 et al, 2002;McNulty et al, 2008); (ii) in relation to ring-A modifi-820 cation effects, it was shown that the methylenedioxyphenyl 821 moiety was necessary as structures incorporating other functional-822 ities, such as methoxyl or b-carboline, were on average over 100-823 fold less active in a number of cell lines compared to the parent 824 pancratistatin(Rinner et al, 2004a,b).…”