Self-regulation (SR; emotion-related, and behavioral), executive function, and theory of mind (ToM) all play an important role in child socioemotional functioning (SEF). However, much remains unknown about the interplay among these abilities when facing various challenging situations. Additionally, the role of these abilities in child SEF has not yet been studied among minority children from an Eastern culture. Thus, we conducted one study with two models to examine the combined contribution of these core abilities, concurrently, to children's SEF during the transition to kindergarten, and longitudinally (about 3 years later) to children's SEF during COVID-19. Overall, 202 kindergarten children (aged 4.9-6.5 years) participated, of which 136 of them in the longitudinal follow-up (aged 8.83-10.6 years). We used behavioral tasks and teacher and maternal reports. Mothers also reported their own distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the transition to kindergarten, we found that emotion-related SR was positively related to children's SEF. We also found that emotion-related SR moderated the relation between inhibition and ToM. In the follow-up study, we found that emotion-related SR in kindergarten significantly predicted children's SEF during the COVID-19 crisis, directly and indirectly, through children's SEF in kindergarten and their maternal COVID-related distress. Moreover, emotion-related SR moderated the longitudinal association between children's ToM at kindergarten age and their SEF during the COVID-19 crisis. Our findings highlight the central role that emotion-related SR plays in children's ability to face different challenges.
Public Significance StatementOur study emphasizes the critical role and long-term impact of emotion-related self-regulation and theory of mind for children's socioemotional functioning in different challenging situations. Our findings may contribute and be helpful for designing and implementing early intervention programs that could enhance child socioemotional functioning.