Nonlocality is the Michelson Morley experiment of the early 21st Century. By abandoning the ether, Einstein fashioned Special Relativity in a few pages of algebra. At present, 108 years after General Relativity and 96 years after quantum mechanics, we have not united the two. Nonlocality is now firmly established. Yet almost all our theories are based on locality as fundamental. If we refuse to consider abandoning locality as fundamental, as we abandoned the ether, we may miss the revolution doing so promises. More, if we must abandon locality to make progress, should we fail to do so we will fail.I propose a theory of quantum gravity based on taking nonlocality as fundamental. If nonlocality is fundamental, General Relativity, String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, and the powerful AdS/CFT duality, and Holographic Principle cannot be fundamental. All require locality.If we start with nonlocality, taken as entangled coherent particles, locality – spacetime – must somehow be constructed by these particles, hence by matter.The theory builds from a metric in Hilbert space outside of spacetime given by the von Neumann Entropy between each entangled pair of particles. Because VNE is sub-additive it fits the triangle inequality and can be used as a distance varying from 0 to Ln N, the number of entangled particles. To assure the construction of faithful classical spacetime Lorentzian Manifolds, and to convert quantum particles from non-Boolean variables which can superimpose to the true false Boolean variables of classical physics, I propose that spacetime is constructed by the sequential actualization of 4 mutually entangled particles. This process linearly maps Hilbert space VNE metric distances outside of spacetime into classical spacetime metric distances – on some length scale – by sequentially constructing old then adjacent new tetrahedra that constitute the growing spacetime. This irreversible sequential construction of spacetime also constitutes a quantum arrow of time. Classical spacetime is discrete so does not need renormalization.This quantum gravity theory implies that classical spacetime is constructed at some finite rate proportional to M^1/4, hence as Kex M^1/4.This scaling of a construction of spacetime at a rate, Kex M^1/4, yields, after integration over time, the Baryonic Tully Fisher Relation among all galaxies, relating maximal galactic rotation velocity, V, that scales as V^4 proportional to M, hence as V proportional to M^1/4. Hence the theory may entirely replace Dark Matter. On this proposal, the loci attributed to Dark Matter are, instead, Cosmic Fault Lines where spacetime is created faster than, and tectonically displaces, adjacent slower growing spacetime time regions.The same theory, Kex M^1/4, in two lines of algebra, immediately yields a Dark Energy. Dark Energy, with no further assumptions, is implicit in the proposal that matter constructs spacetime as Kex M^1/4.Dark Energy will increase from the Big Bang by the formation after the CMB of more complex high density galaxies and galactic clusters. This increasing Dark Energy may also help explain the current Hubble Tension now at 4.2 to 6 sigma.A modification of General Relativity is proposed replacing Einstein’s Cosmological Constant with a term reflecting a scalar field of the stress energy tensor, giving the local density of baryonic matter that then drives the construction of spacetime.Many tests of the theory are proposed. Notably, because spacetime is constructed over time, old galaxies of the same stable mass that have lived longer should rotate faster than young galaxies. This is testable with current galactic rotation data. The theory may also account for the recently discovered Impossible Galaxies that emerged 500 million years after the Big Bang with 10% normal diameter. These data may allow direct establishment of the value of the rate of construction of spacetime by matter, here estimated at Kex = (10-36 meters/sec/gram) M^1/4. (Please see Part IV with respect to sub-planckian length scales.)Because the theory builds upon quantum actualization events, and because current data support a capacity for mind to mediate actualization events at a sigma of 6.49, I raise the possibility of a role for mind in the emergence of spacetime.