Most previous attempts to model the geographical range expansion of an invading species assume random dispersal of organisms through a homogeneous environment. These models result in a series of uniformly increasing circles radiating out from the centre of origin over time. Although these models often give reasonable fits to available data, they do not typically include mechanisms of dispersal. Alternatively, models that include assumptions of non‐random dispersal and a heterogeneous environment inevitably result in an anisotropic or jagged invasion front. This front will include propagules of pioneer individuals for the expanding species. Existing data from biological invasions reveal that the spatial structure of an invading species usually exhibits these propagules. Using population data gathered from the past century, we investigated the propagules of two North American invading bird species: the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus), and the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus Müller), and found a correlation between propagule location and habitat quality. These results suggest that dispersing individuals seek out favourable habitat and remain there, thus introducing a possible mechanism for explaining non‐uniform dispersal during invasions. When combined with results from other studies, our results suggest that propagules provide starting points for future population expansion of an invading species.