This study examined the clinical features of complications of congenital retinoschisis and the clinical efficacy of vitreoretinal surgery in the treatment of these complications. The clinical efficacy of surgical treatments was retrospectively analyzed in 10 patients with congenital retinoschisis (10 eyes) complicated with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (n=5), vitreous hemorrhage (n=2) and macula- involving schisis (n=1). All the patients suffered foveal and peripheral schisis. They were treated with scleral buckling (n=1) or vitrectomy (n=9). After the surgical treatment, the retina was reattached in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment; the refractive media became transparent in those with vitreous hemorrhage; the visual acuity in 80% of patients was improved; no remarkable progression of schisis was found; no severe operative complications occurred. It was concluded that vitreoretinal surgery in the treatment of complications of congenital retinoschisis is safe and effective, and helps improve and maintain the visual function.