As a considerable heterogeneity in the procedure of intermittent catheterization (IC) was identified by a questionnaire survey conducted in hospitals and institutions for the treatment of patients with spinal cord injury in 2010, it became necessary to standardize the IC procedure (i.e. self‐catheterization and assisted catheterization). These guidelines were developed within a structured consensus process (e.g. several consensus conferences and nominal group process) by members of the working group on neuro‐urology and the working group on nursing of the German‐speaking Medical Society of Paraplegia and were published as guidelines of the German Society of Urology (DGU). The guidelines developer group was a multiprofessional group. Firstly, the indications for IC are presented and concepts such as sterile, aseptic and hygienic catheterization are defined. The materials necessary for the IC are presented in detail. The disinfection and catheterization techniques are described and a detailed explanation of the potential complications and their management is given. Finally, the legal aspects and issues of eligibility of catheter materials are discussed. The purpose of this consensus is to contribute to the standardization of IC. It should remove uncertainty and offer assistance to users (i.e. patients, staff and care providers). A particular focus is placed on practical instructions for carrying out the IC. The intention is to support the realization of IC in various settings (e.g. hospital, rehabilitation, long‐term care institutions and home‐based care). A wide implementation of the guidelines should lead to a reduction of the risks and complications of IC.