WHILE adenomata of the stomach in general are rare, those composed of glands of € h m~r type are A woman aged 66 was admitted to Aberdeen Royal particularly uncommon. Associated symptoms and Infirmary for investigation. One month previously she signs, including X-ray appearances, are not specific had vomited blood and afterwards she had melaena for the following three weeks. Two years previously she had had a small haematemesis and she had suffered intermittently from heartburn for a few years.
CASEShe presented a characteristic acromegalic appearance (Figs. 321, 322). The breasts were markedly atrophic, but there was no evidence of generalized and the condition may be erroneously diagnosed emaciation. Signs of early myocardial failure were of condition should, however, facilitate costal space in the anterior axillary line and there was diagnosis and forCrepitations were heard in the lung bases and the liver was enlarged two finger-breadths below the right costal tion of a case merits attention.margin ; the blood-pressure was 150/9o mm. of mercury, while the pulse was 64 beats per minute, regular and of of Edinburgh.good volume. X-ray examination showed some cardiac clinically as malignant. Awareness of the existence present : the apex beat of the heart was in the 6th interthe following &scrip-some pitting edema of the ankles and sacral region.