Main entry undcr titlc: Social behavior and communication. (Handbook of bchavioral neurobiology; v. 3) Includes bibliographics and index. l. Social behavior in 2. Animal communication. I. Marler, Peter Robert. II. Vandenbergh,J. G. nI. Serie,. QL775.S6 599'.05'9 79·308 ISB N 978-1-46 15-91 18-4 ISBN 978-1-4615·9 11 6-0 (eBook) e 1979 Ple num Press, New York Softcover reprint of the bardcover 1st edition 1979 All rights reserved No part of this boo k may be reproduccd, storcd in a retrieval sySlcm, or transmitted, in any fonn or by any mcans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from thc Publisher v ix PREFACE x PREFACEwith which it interacts. We thank the authors for their cooperation and forbearance in the gestation process. Of many colleagues who have aided us in its preparation, we are especially indebted for help and advice to