As indicated by the current research on the wives and daughters of the Habsburg emperors on the threshold of the modern age, individual authors no longer devote themselves in their contributions to a mere outline of their basic biographical data and possible political influence Under the influence of new political history, in recent years they have begun to view the role of queens through the lens of dynastic history, in the context of their male counterparts In addition to anchoring the position of the empress in early modern power constitutions and contemporary legal discourse, they also often follow the symbolic depictions of these rulers on the basis of various communication situations connected with the exercise of power, such as coronation ceremonies and other rituals of transition between life and death -marriage, childbirth, death Nor is the importance of the communication networks of the empresses and their cultural patronage disregarded 1 The present study, which will be devoted to the first wife of Leopold I (1640-1705), Margaret Theresa of Spain (1651-1673), will follow the direction indicated The personality of the aforementioned empress, whom Leopold I married in 1666, has previously 1