h~~t~i i .~c~l i c~ O,s:illuriontw i E l~~k~r o c~h e m i e i Hulbleiter i KiiluIj*w i Reuklionskitic.tiklncestigations on the reduction of H202 on copper-iron-sulfides, which were initiated with Cu,FeS,. are extended to cuprous sulfide (c'u,S~.This system is also characterized by pronounced sustained electrochemical oscillations which appear during the reduction of H They iire qualitatively analog to that observed with Cu,FeS, and can be described by the same differential equation of the Lotka Volterra type. The three dimensional phase surface of the derived differential equation is computer drawn. and the nature of the ohserved frequency instability of oscillations explained. In order to confirm the proposed participation of metal. metal hydroxide and metal oxide-surface aites in the oscillation mechanism, several experimental tests were theoretically evaluated and experimentally verified. Oscillations can be stopped with a metal chelating agent (EDTA) or with a strongly alkaline electrolyte and the sulfide surface stahililed i n t o either one o f the two possible states (hydroxide covered and hydroxide deficient) between which otherwise oscillations occur. Light which is destroying oxide bonds on the sulfide surface by a photo electrochemical mechanism, can be used t o modulatc frequency and amplitude of clectrocheinical oscillations. Experiniental evidence for the constancy of entropy production during oscillations. which is ii ccry specific property of Lotka-Volterra-systems, is also provided. I t i s concluded that oscillations of the Lotka Volterra type actually exist. They are, however, easily perturhated hy chemic;il side rc;iction\ to give either limit cycle oscillations or damped or undamped oscillations.Clntersuchungen iiber die Reduktion von H , 0 2 an Kupfer-Eisen-Sulfiden, welche mit Cu,FeS, begonnen worden sind, werden ;iuf K tipier1 I )-Sulfid (Cu2S) nusgedehnt. Auch dieses System ist durch ausgepragte, ungedimpfte elektrochemische Oszillationcn charaktcrisicrt. wclchc wihrend der Reduktion von H202 auftreten. Sie entsprechen qualitativ denen. die bei Cu,FeS, heohachtet wurdcn, iind kiinnen n i i i derselben Differential-Gleichung vom Lotka-Volterra-Typ heschrieben werden. Die dreidimensionale Phasenoherfliiche der ahgeleiteten Differentialgleichung wird mit Hilfe cines Computers gexichnet iind dic Natur der heohechteleii Frequenzinstahilit~~t erliiutert. Uni die vorgeschlagene Beteiligung von Metall-, Mctallhydroxid-und Met;illoxid-Oherllichenrustinden heim Oszillationsmechanismus zu bestitigen, werden mehrere experinientelle Tests theoretisch auagewertct und ekpcrimentell verifiziert. I>ie Oszillationen kiinnen mil einer metallkomplexierenden Substanz (EDTA) oder niit einem stark alkalischen Elcklrolytcn gestoppt und die Sulfidoherfliche in einem von zwei moglichen Zustanden (Hydroxid-bedeckt oder Hydroxid-defizient) stahilisiert werden. zwiachcii denen ansonsten die Oszillation erfolgt. Licht, welches Oxidbindungen auf der Sulfidoherfllche durch cinen photo-elcktrocheniischeii Mechanismus zer...