Malignant changes in persistent venous leg ulcers are a grave complication of chronic impaired wound healing. In our case, a venous leg ulcer had persisted on the right calf for 30 years. Exophytic tumors in the ulcer with frequent bleeding prompted biopsies. A squamous cell carcinoma was found, but only in the second biopsy. The surgical procedure was planned so that in a single session both the tumor and the underlying causes of the chronic venous insufficiency in the leg could be treated appropriately. Extirpation of the enlarged lymph nodes in the groin was combined with crossectomy and removal of the long saphenous vein, followed by circular radial excision of the ulcer scar fascia (fasciotomy). The excised tissue was examined histologically. Muscle biopsies were taken from the site of suspicious adhesions of the fascia to the calf muscle. The large, circular defects on the lower leg were covered with the appropriate dressing to condition the wound bed. After three weeks the well-granulated area was covered with meshed split skin grafts. During the operation and in the post-operative phase, machine-assisted and manual decongestion was performed, an established therapy for lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency and chronic venous ulcers.