The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of COBLATION midline glossectomy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) when used as an isolated or with palatal procedure. We also aim to compare the effect of this surgical procedure. The combination of palatal procedures and tongue-based surgery in a single stage led to improvement in excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring, respiratory parameters of polysomnography (PSG), an overall improvement in quality of life, we can show how de tongue base procedures with COBLATION can give better results to all sleep apnea surgeries. Currently, there is a wide variety of surgical approaches to tongue-base modification in OSA patients, including radiofrequency ablation, COBLATION or laser assisted resection, tongue base suspension, genioglossus advancement, and robot-assisted resection. COBLATION midline glossectomy is an effective surgical procedure.