The lately inured § 137 h SGB V aims to assess the benefit of new examination and treatment methods with medical devices of class IIb and III. In the future, the decision on the reimbursement eligibility will be marked by high requirements in terms of documentation of benefits and harm. The objective of benefit assessment is the operationalization of benefit to patients. A comparative determination of benefit enables rational decision by regulatory authorities. The process of benefit assessment should guarantee transparent decision-making, and the underlying medical and health economic fundamentals should be documented. In principle, benefit assessment can be divided into 3 phases: measuring causal effects of an intervention, assessment of the measured effects and decision on reimbursement based on the aggregation of an overall benefit. To address the peculiarities of medical devices in this process, adaptive study designs, MCDA and adaptive benefit assessment provide a sustainable concept for rapid access by patients to innovative treatments of high quality and safety.