A nitrogen source was needed for the flowering of Lemna gibba L., a long‐day plant, and L. perpusilla Torr., a shortday plant. The level of endogenous amino acids analyzed by an Amino Acid Analyzer, rose during the first few inductive cycles, but was reduced during later stages of the flowering process. Serine and threonine levels increased during the light period and decreased during the dark period in L. perpusilla. Exogenous serine and threonine added to the culture medium at 10−6M increased the rate of flowering by more than 35% over the controls. Cysteine inhibited flowering, while other amino acids had little or no promotive effect on flowering. Serine and threonine increased flowering rate in L. perpusilla only when added during a dark period of the inductive cycle. The addition of amino acids during a light period not followed by a dark period had no effect on flowering.