Analysis of evaluation results revealed a positive overall impression. Implementation into organizational structure was successful on all 3 quality stages: concept of project and CM-training were an adequate basis and appropriately put into practice by fulfilling prescribed objectives, topics and schedule (quality of structure). Rehabilitation managers identified themselves with the implementation process into DRV Westfalen (grading of CM training: M=1,67; SD=0,65; quality of process). Analogous, consultants reported a high level of satisfaction during implementation of new counseling process (possible span: 1-4; M=3,11; SD=0,33; quality of results). Regarding implementation of counseling process, sample fitted into 3 selection criteria wherefore the correct insurants were picked in RehaFuturReal(®) (quality of structure). CM-orientated counseling approach was properly implemented into everyday work of RM by using CM-instruments for documentation (quality of process). RM were highly satisfied (possible span: 1-4) with counseling performance (M=3,43; SD=0,77). Employers also rated counseling performance positively (M=3,38; SD=0,85). By contrast, surveying insurants revealed a heterogeneous impression of satisfaction (M=2,97; SD=1,03) (quality of results).