Temperature, selected chemical constituents and plankton were analysed from three depths, fortnightly, by day and occasionally by night, in two flooded brickpits, between May 1930 and August 1931 .Br was 3 .3 m deep, with clear water and little weed ; III was only 1 .8 m deep, with thick submerged weed, more sheltered than Br and becoming eutrophic . Neither had direct inflow nor outlet . Both conformed to the second order for dimictic lakes, with summer and winter stratification, leading, for varying periods, to stagnation marked by pH between 6 .6 and 7 .2 and 0 2 much depleted or absent at the bottom .During stagnation, release of Si0 2 , soluble inorganic phosphate-P, ammonium ions and bases from the bottom was shown by sampling water close to the mud . This finding preceded the definition of 'redox potential' by others .Thermistor temperature measurements, used for the first time, showed comparable summer gradients in both ponds : on windy days these were usually sigmoid, with discontinuity at various depths, or else nearly isothermal ; on calm days, they were exponential, when transmission of heat, from surface to bottom, was apparently due to radiation alone, without water circulation . Stability was then high .Diatoms were abundant in both ponds ; but planktonic Rotifera and Crustacea differed in the two, apart from Diaptomus gracilis, which was dominant in both .