Considering the spatial omnipresence of the threat to biodiversity and
limited resources and time for conservation and restoration, it is
crucial to prioritize conservation and restoration activities to
maximize benefits. By transporting marine-derived nutrients to
freshwater and surrounding ecosystems, anadromous salmonids contribute
greatly to biodiversity maintenance; however, their abundance has been
decreased by human activities in many regions. Salmon populations are
mainly governed by their productivity in the freshwater life stage;
therefore, freshwater productivity, namely, the number of juveniles
migrating to the ocean per reproducing parent, should be investigated to
maintain healthy populations. Given that productivity decreases
dramatically in response to flooding, the flood disturbance intensity
controlled by hydrogeomorphology at a watershed scale may strongly
influence the freshwater productivity of salmonids. In this study, we
evaluated the effect of watershed hydrogeomorphology on the productivity
of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). We surveyed the
escapement and number of fry migrants of pink salmon and measured
environmental factors, including the average watershed slope and stream
power index, as parameters of hydrogeomorphology. The freshwater
productivity of pink salmon differed among the streams investigated and
was negatively affected by average watershed slope, stream power, and
average watershed maximum daily precipitation. These results indicated
that flood disturbance reduces the freshwater productivity of pink
salmon and that salmon productivity in an individual stream can be
predicted by watershed hydrogeomorphology. Our approach can be applied
to other anadromous salmonids that have spawning behaviour similar to
that of pink salmon, which bury eggs in gravel. Predicting highly
productive habitats based on the present study can contribute to
planning and prioritizing habitat conservation and restoration for
anadromous salmonids.