The relaxation properties of polymethacrylates of the n‐alkyl series with n = l, 2 and 4 (poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) and poly(n‐butyl methacrylate) (PnBMA)) have been measured and analyzed in order to relate their properties to the size of the lateral side chains. The n‐alkyl series has been regarded as a model system and was used in this work to test a graphical data analysis method. Essentially, four relaxation processes were detected in the three polymers: the γ, β, α and αβ relaxations, in increasing order of temperature. It was found that the γ relaxation has a low activation energy, of around 36.3–38.5 kJ mol−1, independent of the side chain, exhibiting low entropy of activation values when referring to the Eyring description of the activation parameters. The β relaxation was found to be similar in PMMA and PEMA, showing an activation energy of 88.8 kJ mol−1, increasing to 112.8 kJ mol−1 in PnBMA. The activation entropy was also found to be low for this relaxation, although greater than that for the γ relaxation. In contrast, the α relaxation is quite different in these polymers. We observed a gradual shift in the glass transition temperature towards lower temperatures as the side chain increases in length. The manner in which the α transition makes its way into the dielectric spectra is more abrupt in PMMA than in PnBMA, denoting a higher fragility in the former polymer. Finally, there is a significant difference in the coalescence scenarios of the α and β relaxations for temperatures higher than the glass transition temperature, where they give rise to the so‐called αβ relaxation. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry