Experimental studies of the temperature dependence of the thermal diffusion factor a are reported for methanol-benzene mixtures which cover the entire concentration range at temperatures 15, 25, and 35 °C. The thermal diffusion factor changes from a negative to positive sign (positive sign implies that benzene diffuses in the direction of the temperature gradient) at intermediate benzene concentrations and attains a maximum at a methanol mole fraction of about 0.07. The concentrations at which a changes sign are 0.304, 0.35, and 0.42 methanol mole fraction at 15, 25, and 35 °C, respectively. The data are interpreted in terms of the following reaction model for hydrogen bond association: (CH3OH)2 -CH3OH + CH3OH, (CH3OH)3 ^(CH3OH)2 + CH3OH,... (CH3OH)" ^(CH3OH)r 3 + CH3OH. It is concluded that the concentration corresponding to maximum a is predominantly determined by the equilibrium constants characterizing the association equilibria and is nearly independent of the diffusion properties of the associated species. Calculations based on the association reaction model indicate that when a maximizes the amount of monomeric methanol becomes approximately equal to the amount of methanol consisting of the most stable associated species. At lower methanol mole fractions the monomer rapidly becomes the dominant species.