Luttinger semimetals represent materials with strong spin-orbit coupling, harbouring doubly degenerate quadratic band touchings at the Brillouin zone center. In the presence of Coulomb interactions, such a system exhibits a non-Fermi liquid phase [dubbed as the Luttinger-Abrikosov-Beneslavskii (LAB) phase], at low temperatures and zero doping. However, a clear experimental evidence of this emergent state remains elusive to this date. Here, we determine the Raman response of the LAB phase. At frequencies much larger than the temperature, the Raman response exhibits a power-law behavior, which could be verified experimentally. On the other hand, at lower frequencies, the Raman response displays a quasi-elastic peak. We also compute the ratio of the shear viscosity and the entropy density η/s, using a Kubo formula analysis, to analyze the consequences of the hyperscaling violation that emerges in the LAB phase. Contents I. Introduction II. Model III. Raman response A. Raman response at T = 0 1. One-loop contribution 2. Two-loop contributions 3. Scaling of the Raman response at T = 0 B. Raman response at T > 0 IV. Free energy at T > 0 A. General arguments B. Scaling of the free energy V. Shear viscosity A. General arguments B. One-loop contribution C. Two-loop contributions D. Scaling of η and the ratio η/s VI. Summary and outlook References A. d a -function algebra B. Details of the two-loop calculations for the T = 0 Raman response