Soil freeze-thaw cycles have a profound impact on heat and water fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface and transport in soils. Microwave remote sensing is a widely used technique to detect near-surface soil freeze/thaw states due to significant changes in dielectric properties associated with water phase transitions in soils, where uncertainty remains. This letter proposed a new parameterization scheme for the estimation of unfrozen water content to improve the modeling of soil dielectric properties during freeze-thaw transitions. Predictions from the new model referred as Zhang-Zhao's model were compared with dielectric measurements during thawing processes of soil samples collected from Baoding (silty clay soil), Zhangjiakou (loamy sandy soil), and Zhengzhou (clay loam soil) in China. The mean biases of the predictions were 3.25 (4.44 and 2.07 for the thawed value and frozen value, respectively) and 1.54 (2.22 and 0.88 for the thawed value and frozen value, respectively) for the real part and imaginary part, respectively. The model-predicted soil complex relative permittivity was highly correlated with measurements, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.7944 to 0.9865. The normalized root mean square errors of the predictions were 13.72% (real part) and 25.41% (imaginary part).