ABSTRACT:We investigated the dielectric normal mode relaxation in dilute and semidilute solutions of poly(propylene oxide)(PPO) and poly(butylene oxide)(PBO) in benzene which is a good solvent for PPO but a marginal solvent for PBO. The results indicate that the normal mode relaxation times n in dilute solutions of PPO and PBO are proportional to ½M in agreement with the Rouse-Zimm theory where ½ and M denotes the intrinsic viscosity and the molecular weight, respectively. With increasing concentration C, n increases in proportion to C½. The dynamic crossover concentration between the dilute and semidilute regimes is about four times higher than the static crossover concentration C Ã . The relaxation strength Á" divided by C decreases with increasing concentration indicating that the mean square end-to-end distance hr 2 i decreases on account of the screening of the excluded volume effect. Dielectric normal mode relaxation spectroscopy has been widely used to examine dynamics of polymer chains associated with fluctuation of the end-to-end vector.1-3 This method also provides fruitful information on the mean square end-to-end distance.
2,3Among various Type-A polymers exhibiting dielectric normal mode relaxation, poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) has been studied long after the pioneering studies reported by Stockmayer and his coworkers.1,4-8 Those studies were made for bulk PPO with low molecular weight (MW). The dielectric normal mode relaxations of the other bulk polyethers including poly(butylene oxide) (PBO) have been reported recently.9-11 However, no dielectric data of polyethers in the solution state have been reported.Although many dielectric studies of the normal mode relaxation have been reported for bulk polymers, relatively small numbers of the studies on the normal mode relaxation in solution have been reported for polyisoprene, 12-14 poly("-caprolactone)(PCL), 15,16 poly(varelolactone), 16 and others. [17][18][19] In those studies, the effects of MW, concentration C, and solvent quality on the average relaxation time n , the relaxation spectrum, and relaxation strength Á" were investigated. In this article we report the dielectric normal mode relaxations of PPO and PBO with high MW in dilute and semidilute solutions in benzene. Unfortunately the PPO samples used in this study had relatively broad distribution of MW. Obviously the dielectric data for such a sample are not suited for the analyses of the relaxation spectra. Therefore we will minimize the discussion on the width of the loss curves. However as described below n and Á" are almost independent of the distribution of MW. The objective of this study is to examine the C and MW dependences of n and Á" of PPO and PBO solutions in the dilute and semidilute regimes.
MaterialSamples of PPO were prepared by polymerization of propylene oxide with Zn(CH 2 CH 3 ) 2 and trace amount of water following the conditions reported by Booth et al. 20 Thus prepared PPO samples had very broad MW distribution and they were fractionated in a mixed solven...