For TGS crystals pure and admixtured with L-threonine, measurements of the permittivity e and tg d of the loss angle versus the measuring field frequency (varied from 1 to 10 4 kHz) were performed in the temperature range from 80 to 330 K. For the first time the low-frequency dielectric dispersion was observed in three temperature ranges: 180 to 210 K, 270 to 300 K and near the phase transition as the appearance of additional maxima of e and tg d. The interpretation of these maxima is given in combination with radiospectroscopic results. The dispersion in the three regions was interpreted as due to hindered rotation of NH 3 groups of GI glycines (180 to 210 K), hindered rotation of NH 3 groups of GII and GIII glycines and domain structure (270 to 300 K) and partial repolarisation of domains (near T C ).