Relaxation times of the ␣-process in the fragile glass-forming liquid diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A ͑EPON 828͒ were measured in a broad pressure ͑1-1500 bar͒ and temperature ͑264-293 K͒ ranges by means of the depolarized dynamic light scattering-photon correlation spectroscopy. Based on this experimental data the fragility of the supercooled liquid was calculated in two ways: as a steepness index m of the ''Angell plot'' and as the D T-parameter from the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann Law, and was studied as a function of pressure. It was found, that while the steepness index depends on pressure, the D T parameter is pressure independent. The pressure dependence of the glass transition temperature T g in EPON 828 was found to be nonlinear. Additionally, we established a relationship between the steepness index m T , the activation volume ⌬V # , and the coefficient ץT g ץ/ P g. In this pressure dependent study we found that also for EPON 828 the nonexponentiality of the correlation function of the ␣-process correlates well with the non-Arrhenius behavior ͑steepness index͒ of the relaxation times. An equation of state describing the temperature and pressure dependence of the structural relaxation time was proposed and verified using experimental data.