The pressure-dependence of the dielectric anisotropy, Ae = e0||-e0±, of two nematogens, npentyl-and n-hexyl-cyanobiphenyl (5CB and 6CB) has been measured at constant temperature. For this purpose a high pressure chamber made of non-magnetic materials was constructed, allowing for the orientation of the samples by a magnetic field. The pressure dependencies of Aex were analyzed in the frame of the Maier-Meier equations for the principal permittivity components in the nematic phase. It was found that the relation between Ae and the order parameter S is not properly described by these equations. The Kirkwood correlation factor calculated on the basis of the present results and the Maier-Meier equations is smaller than 0.5, whereas it increases to a more realistic value (~0.7) if the electronic polarization is incorporated in the equations.