The close-coupling approximation for electron-atom scattering is extended to include the eKect of one-photon radiation damping at a level nonperturbative in the wave function. The complex potential is derived and introduced directly into the set of integro-di8'erential equations used to calculate the S matrix. The formulation is ideal for inelastic scattering and photoionization with radiation damping and can be used to calculate photorecombination cross sections. The numerical solution of the resulting difI'erential equation is accomplished through a combination of B-matrix, perturbation theory, and analytic techniques. Some of the implications of this method are discussed. The connections to previous theoretical approaches are discussed.PACS number(s): 34.80.Kw, 31.30.Jv, 31.10.+z ing on the wave function are included in three different ways: (i) the change in the Hamiltonian due to type-I transitions (i.e., radiative decay of the core state) is included analytically by changing the core energy &om E,~E,il', /2, where I', is the total radiative decay rate; (ii) the change in the wave function due to type-IIS transitions (see Sec. VI) is included through a numerical procedure (the B-matrix method); and (iii) the type-III transitions (see Sec. VI) are included perturbatively in unphysical wave functions (unphysical wave functions are solutions of the Schrodinger or Dirac equation that do not have the correct boundary conditions at r~0 or r M oo); the physical wave functions are constructed from a linear superposition of the unphysical solutions [9] and include nonperturbative effects.