“…normal zone. Such an immediate response of the retina has been obtained also by Edmund and Clemmesen,1'1 Friderichsen and Edmund,17 Mutch and Griffith,18 Jeghers,6 Wald, Jeghers and Arminio 10 and Lewis and Haig,20 though not byHecht and Mandelbaum,21 and can be elicited only if an adequately large close of vita¬ min A is administered. When the preliminary series of tests shows that the deficiency is very marked or when the patient is an adult or nearly adult in size, a larger test dose such as 500,000 units should be used.In this connection we refer to the immediate response of even normal individuals to a single dose of 2,000,000 units of vitamin A as reported by Getz, Hildebrand and Finn 22.…”