High physical fitness and good health are not only essential for the civilian population but also for persons working in physically and psychologically demanding professions, such as armed forces personnel. To date there is no scientific summary of studies dealing with the physical activity of daily life in armed forces personnel, but this is necessary for a targeted intervention.
A systematic review was performed in the PubMed database (target date: 24 May 2020), using the search terms “military personnel” and “exercise” or “(physical) activity of daily life” including the assigned MESH words.
Seven original papers have focused on the daily physical activity of military personal, and they were all conducted in different countries. The activity of daily life was on average 11,540 steps per day.
It could be shown that soldiers performed more physical activity than the civilian population and that the recommended 10,000 steps per day were slightly exceeded on average. However, the number of steps performed was very low in fields of activity with limited physical activity options, such as on board a ship. Altogether, it thus seems that additional health-promoting physical activity programs are not required for most of the soldiers, but that, in contrast, corresponding offers for physical activity alternatives, e.g., in the form of fitness equipment, are urgently required in specific task areas (e.g., on board ships).