Comparisons were made over a 4-year period between l-herd, 16pasture short duration grazing (SDG) and continuous grazing (CC) on the Texas High Plains. Animal performance, vegetation response, and diet quality were evaluated. Stocking rate on SDG was equal to that on CC the fhst year (13.3 ha/AU), double that on CG in the second year, and 1.5 times that on CG the third and fourth years. Average daily gain (ADG) of steers was the same (0.33 kg/day) between SDG and CG the first year. When stocking was doubled on SDG the second year, steers on SDG gained 0.15 kg/day compared to 0.25 kg/day under CG. In the third and fourth years, with stocking under SDG at 1.5 times that on CG, gains were similar. Standing crop biomass on SDG fell below that on CG after 1 year of gradng. In the second year standing crop was greater (KO.05) on SDG than on CG, but in years 3 and 4, standing crop on the SDG was less than on CC. Changes in species composition were the same on both CC and SDG. Steer diet composition and quality were evrhtated during the growhtg season (May to October) of year 4. Steers on SDG consumed 15% more forbs (39% VI 24%) than steers on CC. No differences (BO.05) between CG and SDG were ohserved for dietary crude protein or in vitro digestible organic matter. SDG did not improve animal performance, diet quality, or forage l variability over CC when evahtated over 4 years. mance, (2) forage dynamics, and (3) diet quality. Methods and Procedures The study site was located in Lubbock County, Texas, on the Texas Tech University campus. At the initiation of the study, the area was considered a poor condition native shortgrass range site on an Amarillo fine sandy loam soil. Dominant grasses on the site were Bouteioua gracilis. Buchloe dactyloides. Panicum obtusum, Sporobolus cryptandrus, Aristida purpurea. and Bothriochloa saccharoides. Major forbs were Kochia scoparia, Zinnia grandiflora. Spharalcea coccinea, and Kuhnia sp. There also was a heavy infestation of Xanthocephalum sarothrae and Prosopisglandulosa. The climate is warm-temperate and continental with an average annual precipitation of 40 cm. Precipitation occurs mainly in the spring and late summer months. Temperature ranges from +40掳 C to-25" C with a frost-free growing season of 200 days. Mean elevation is 960 m. (SCS 1979).