Hepatic lipase (HL) plays a central role in LDL and HDL remodeling. High HL activity is associated with small, dense LDL particles and with reduced HDL 2 cholesterol levels. HL activity is determined by an HL gene promoter polymorphism, by gender (lower in premenopausal women), and by visceral obesity with insulin resistance. The activity is affected by dietary fat intake and selected medications. There is evidence for an interaction of the HL promoter polymorphism with visceral obesity, dietary fat intake, and with lipid-lowering medications in determining the level of HL activity. The dyslipidemia with high HL activity is a potentially proatherogenic lipoprotein profile in the metabolic syndrome, in Type 2 diabetes, and in familial combined hyperlipidemia. Hepatic lipase (HL) is a key enzyme involved in lipoprotein metabolism. Its catalytic activity contributes to the remodelling of chylomicron remnants, IDLs, LDLs, and HDLs, and participates in the reverse cholesterol transport (1). These effects possibly influence the process of atherosclerosis. Recent reviews on HL have focused on its evolution (2), structure, function, and regulation (3), and its potential role in atherosclerosis (4). The focus of this review will be on the interaction between genetic variants, obesity, sex hormones, and diet in influencing HL activity and on clinical implications of variation in this activity.
Lipolytic role of HL in remodeling of human remnant and LDLIn vitro and in vivo studies have clearly demonstrated that HL plays a key role in lipoprotein metabolism (5, 6). Multiple lines of evidence suggest that human HL modulates the lipid composition of IDL remnants and large, buoyant LDLs, resulting in denser lipoprotein particles both in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and in normal subjects (7,8). LDL size and buoyancy are inversely proportional to HL activity, which seems to be correlated also with both the fractional catabolic rate and the input rate of LDL apolipoprotein B (apoB) in men with varying plasma triglyceride (TG) concentrations (9). Patients with high HL have smaller, denser LDL particles, relatively depleted in phospholipids (PLs) and free cholesterol, as compared with subjects with low HL activity (7) ( Fig. 1A ). Individuals with CVD, characterized by the predominance of small, dense LDL as determined by gradient gel electrophoresis (also defined as pattern B LDL subclass distribution), have significantly higher HL activity than patients with CVD but large, buoyant LDL particles (pattern A) (10). Interestingly, HL activity is not associated with LDL cholesterol levels.More direct evidence that HL plays a key role in human lipoprotein metabolism is obtained from studies of individuals with HL deficiency. Few patients with true HL deficiency have been identified (1,11). Patients with complete HL deficiency present with elevated plasma concentrations of cholesterol and TG, and with a lipoprotein profile characterized by the presence of large  -VLDL and large, buoyant 13). ...