Calcium diet has an important role in energy metabolism regulation especially intracellular Ca 2+ which is the key to arrange the metabolism of adiposity fat and triasilgliserol save. When intracellular Ca 2+ increase it makes the stimulation of gen lipogenic and lipogenesis also forcing of lipolysis and finally increasing the fat fitting and increasing adiposity. The low level of calcium absorbtion increases the production of calsitirol which could stimulate adiposity Ca 2+ influx and the concequance is the increase of adiposity, so it needs high calcium diet to delay lipogenesis increase of lipolysis, lipid oksidaxion, to reduce fat adiposity and weight. The research used pretest -postest control group design. Trial animal were male rat of Rattus novergicus strain wistar. The research consisted of 2 phases. The first phase was increasing the rat weight by giving normal diet with calcium of 0,4% for all kinds of rats for 4 weeks. The second phase by giving calcium diet with different doses that is group A as control group (0,4% Ca as normal diet), group B 0,8% Ca (Ca as normal diet + 0,4% Ca as CaCO3), group C 1,2% Ca (Ca as normal diet + 0,8% Ca as CaCO3) and group D 1,6% Ca(Ca as normal diet + 1,2% Ca as CaCO3) for 4 weeks. To find out the difference of calcium diet it used statistical test Oneway Anova, and to find out where the difference Tukey HSD was used.The result of the research in the treatment by using calcium diet with different calcium content showed the average of weight of the rats. The lowest was in the group with more calcium as 1,6% (D group) with 30,95 gr, followed by C group with 1,2% calcium as 42,57gr, B group with calcium 0,8% as 61,2 gr and the highest average of rat weight in A group as control with calcium diet 0,4% as 70,97 gr. Statiscal analysis by using Oneway Anova shows some different results on the rat's weight average growth progress on each treatment (p = 0,000). Tukey HRD showed that the different result on the rat's weight average growth progress on all treatment. While the energy intake seems not so significant (p= 0,978). This matter indicates that high calcium diet on at rats decreases rat's weight.Keywords: Calcium, vitamin D, adiposity, body weight
PENDAHULUANKegemukan atau obesitas terjadi karena konsumsi makanan yang melebihi kebutuhan Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) perhari. Bila kelebihan ini terjadi dalam jangka waktu lama, dan tidak diimbangi dengan aktivitas yang cukup untuk membakar kelebihan energi, lambat laun kelebihan energi tersebut akan diubah menjadi lemak dan ditimbun di dalam sel lemak dibawah kulit (1).Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan obesitas sebagai penyebab kematian kedua didunia setelah merokok. Lebih dari 1,7 miliar penduduk di dunia mengalami kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas. Bahkan saat ini prevalensi penderitanya meningkat tiap tahunnya (2).Hasil survey Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) tahun 1995 -1997 di 27 ibukota propinsi menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi gizi lebih mencapai 6,8% pada laki-laki dewasa dan 13,5% pada perempuan dewasa. Beber...