Cárie dentária; Pré-escolar; Condições sociais; Serviços de saúde bucal. Dental caries; Preschool ; Social conditi ons; Dental health services. Objecti ve: To analyze comparati vely the distributi on patt ern of dental caries in preschoolers living in areas assisted by the Family Health Strategy of the city of Recife, PE, in two sanitary districts. Method: An epidemiological survey of dental caries was conducted in 2006 in 2,020 children aged 18-36 months and 5 years enrolled in the Family Health Centers of the Sanitary Districts II and IV of the city of Recife, PE. The dmft index was used as recommended by the World Health Organizati on and the Brazilian Ministry of Health. A probabilisti c sample by conglomerates (families) was used in one stage. It was calculated frequency distributi on, tests for comparison of the means (Student's t-test and ANOVA) and proporti ons (chisquare) with 5.0% signifi cance level, and ponderati on factors for sample representati veness. The analyses were produced by district and by microregions. Results: In both districts, the prevalence and dmft means were high, being 29.7% among children aged 18-36 months and 63.8% among those aged 5 years. Comparing the districts, the dmft ranged from 0.99 to 1.15 (18-36 months) and from 3.01 to 3.65 (5 years). However, the prevalence rati os did not show signifi cant diff erences between districts or ages. Comparing the microregions, the diff erences in caries prevalence and severity occurred only at the age of 5. Conclusion: The caries indicators used in this study revealed the existence of niches of children with worse oral health conditi ons in poor areas with apparent socioeconomic homogeneity, suggesti ng a reorientati on of collecti ve and individual interventi ons in areas/microareas in which higher indices are observed.