The anatomical proximity and embryological relationship of the pyloric caeca (PC) and small intestine of rainbow trout has led to the frequent assumption, on little evidence, that they have the same enzymes and transporters. In trout, the PC is an important absorptive organ for dietary nutrients, but its role in dietary P absorption has not been reported. We found that apical inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport in PC comprises carrier-mediated and diffusive components. Carrier-mediated uptake was energy-and temperature-dependent, competitively inhibited and Na+-independent, and greater than the Na+-dependent intestinal uptake. Pi uptake in PC was pH-sensitive in the presence of Na+. Despite the active Pi transport system in PC, high postprandial luminal Pi concentrations (∼20 mmol l–1)indicate that diffusive uptake represents ∼92% of total Pi uptake in PC of fed fish. The nucleotide sequence of a sodium-phosphate cotransporter(NaPi-II) isoform isolated from PC was ∼8% different from the intestinal NaPi cotransporter. PC-NaPi mRNA was abundant in PC but rare in the intestine,whereas intestinal NaPi mRNA was abundant in the intestine but scarce in PC. Dietary P restriction reduced serum and bone P concentrations, increased intestine-type, but not PC-type, NaPi mRNA in PC, and increased Pi uptake in intestine but not in PC. Intestine-type NaPi expression may be useful for predicting dietary P deficiency.