Plascencia, A., Alvarez, E.G., Montaiio, M., Salinas-Chavira, J. and Zinn, R.A. 2009. Effects of dietary calcium levels on growth-performance and digestive function in cattle fed a high-fat finishing diet. J . Appl. Anim. Res., 36: 179-184.A growth performance and digestion trial was conducted to evaluate the influence of dietary calcium level on the feeding value of a high-fat (11%) finishing diet. Treatments consisled of three levels of dietaiy Ca: 0.50, 0.70 and 0.90% (DM basis). Ca source was limestone and yellow grease was included as supplemental fat. There were no treatment effects (P>0.20) on DMI. Increasing dietary Ca level enhanced ADG (PO.lO) on total tract digestion of OM, ADF, lipid, starch or N. However, increasing Ca level from 0.7 to 0.9% decreased ruminal digestion of OM (P<0.05), ADF (P0.20) either ruminal p H or ruminal soluble Ca. I t is concluded that dietary Ca levels greater 0.7% (LIMB) are necessary to achieve optimal performance of feedlot steers fed a high,-fat fin, diet.