The four major biological strategies of ichneumonoid parasitoids, koinobiont and idiohiont, ecto-and endoparasitism, are discussed and the evolutionary radiations of the two families Ichneumonidae and Braconidae compared in an attempt to relate differences in patterns of host utilization to differences in evolutionary history. The most primitive members of both families are idiobiont ectoparasitoids of hosts concealed in plant tissue. Idiobiont ectoparasitic braconids are all still primarily associated with such hosts, hut idiobiont ectoparasitic ichneumonids have radiated to attack hosts in other situations, such as in aculeate nests or in cocoons. A shift in emphasis between the behavioural steps, host habitat location and host location, is envisaged as being important in such evolutionary change. Idiohiont endoparasitism is postulated as having arisen amongst ectoparasitoids attacking cocooned hosts, as an adaptation that allows them to exploit pupae and puparia in relatively exposed positions; it is a fairly common strategy in the Ichneumonidae, but virtually unknown in the Braconidae. Koinobiosis is perceived as having evolved in association with hosts which feed in a relatively weakly concealed position, hut pupate in a more secluded and safe location. The strategy is advantageous as it allows a parasitoid to oviposit on an easily discoverable host, but to use the host's pupation concealment to complete its own development. The evolution of koinobiosis has allowed parasitoids to exploit hosts that feed in exposed positions, and to attack hosts at a younger and numerically more common stage in the host's life cycle. Koinohiont ectoparasitism is envisaged, in some braconid and ichneumonid groups, to occupy an evolutionary transitional position between idiobiosis and endoparasitic koinohiosis; only in the Ichneumonidae have large radiations of koinohiont ectoparasitoids occurred. Endoparasitic koinobiosis is hypothesized as having arisen in the Braconidae in association with lepidopterous/coleopterous hosts, whilst in the major lineage of endoparasitic koinobiont ichneumonids, this habit is hypothesized as having arisen in association with symphytan hosts. The great majority of braconids are koinobiont endoparasitoids, but only about 50% of the Ichneumonidae have this habit. Very few koinohiont braconids develop as endoparasitoids of hymenopterous hosts, although many endoparasitic ichneumonids attack Hymenoptera. However, lineages of the Braconidae have radiated to exploit adult insects and exoptrrygote nymphs; ichneumonids do not utilize such hosts.