In 2009, the first author proved the Nekrasov-Okounkov formula on hook lengths for integer partitions by using an identity of Macdonald in the framework of type A affine root systems, and conjectured that some summations over the set of all partitions of size n are always polynomials in n. This conjecture was generalized and proved by Stanley. Recently, Pétréolle derived two Nekrasov-Okounkov type formulas for C and Cˇwhich involve doubled distinct and self-conjugate partitions. Inspired by all those previous works, we establish the polynomiality of some hook-content summations for doubled distinct and self-conjugate partitions.Date: December 25, 2015. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05A15, 05A17, 05A19, 05E05, 05E10, 11P81.